Published on
July 22, 2024

3 business use cases with Argil’s AI deepfake generator

Unveil how Argil’s AI deepfake generator can revolutionize your business. Explore top use cases for video content creation and lead generation.

Othmane Khadri


  • New tech leads to new business models
  • Argil's AI deepfake generator democratizes video creation
  • Helps agencies build TikTok audiences efficiently
  • Simplifies personalized video prospecting
  • Eases YouTube content creation for creators
  • Leverage AI for creative, scalable video production
  • 3 business use cases with Argil’s AI deepfake generator

    New technologies have consistently brought with them new business models.

    Agencies create new service offerings by capitalizing on information asymmetry between those who understand how to use the new tech and those seeking the best output.

    This pattern has been repeated with social media marketing agencies during the rise of social networks, and now it's being repeated with AI tools.

    Now, more than 80% of marketers worldwide integrate some form of AI into their online marketing activities.

    At Argil, we've developed an AI deepfake generator that's democratizing video content creation.

    It takes 2 minutes to clone yourself into our app, and you can create unlimited videos of any size. No need for expensive equipment or any expertise - just your ideas and our platform.

    Our goal is to democratize video content creation for everyone, and Argil’s deepfake generator is making new types of agencies and business models possible.

    1. Done for you TikTok Audience Building

    The ‘TikTok-ification’ of social media has created a massive demand for short, engaging content, but many businesses struggle to keep up with the platform's fast-paced nature, where volume is key.

    Videos on Tik Tok also perform better when it’s not faceless which is where Argil’s technology can provide the leverage to still create at scale.

    Your agency can help creators who don’t have the time; create large volumes of short videos without ever stepping in front of a camera.

    Our deepfake maker gives agencies the flexibility to target any industry, create any content, and build a personal brand for anyone at scale.

    Here’s how you can practically get a start on this agency:

    1. Choose a niche of creators you’re confident you can speak with (know their goals, pains, language)
    2. Set up your service, structure your offer and price it enough that you can still use Argil’s deepfake maker without eating into your margins too much
    3. Reach out to creators in that niche natively (so DM through Tik Tok)
    4. Work with a small group of creators initially to fine tune your service and offer
    5. Finally, make sure to leverage as many of Argil’s features to scale as best you can!

    If you need a detailed guide to going viral on Tik Tok we made an article for this, read about the 5 keys to high engagement here.

    2. Done for you Video Prospecting

    Video prospecting is the future of lead generation.

    Video is naturally more engaging and agencies need better ways to stand out to prospects in saturated markets to improve response rates.

    But creating unique videos for each prospect? That's a bottleneck most businesses can't afford.

    Positioning yourself as an agency that can provide this at scale is now possible with Argil’s technology and can be as simple as changing basic data such as name, title, and company.

    Here’s how you can start this agency:

    1. Choose a specific niche/industry you’re confident you speak the same language (you know their pains, their struggles, and how their own prospects feel)
    2. Set up your service: offer video message creation, script writing, outreach campaign management, and follow-up videos (be as creative as you want here)
    3. Price your service proportionally to the number of videos they want to get, but keep a floor price to ensure you’re profitable in the generations you make through Argil’s Deepfake generator.
    4. You can even use this very method to market your agency, generating videos of yourself to reach out to people.

    For a deeper dive into how to start a lead gen agency with video prospecting, read how you can do that best on LinkedIn here.

    3. Done-for-You YouTube Video Creation

    YouTube is still the home of internet videos, which presents a big market for content creators looking to capitalize on offers that remove the bottleneck of video production.

    The biggest hurdle for most people is that they don’t want to record themselves for an extended period or have to buy the best gear to do so.

    An agency could be created here to target content creators who just want to focus on creative direction and ideation by having the production done for them.

    The action plan for this agency is a similar process:

    1. Decide on a niche of creators
    2. Reach out to them (bonus points if you do video prospecting with Argil’s deepfake maker)
    3. Work with a small group of clients to begin with to refine the process.
    4. Create their avatars in 2 minutes.
    5. Use Argil's app to generate scripts, edit videos and A/B test content for the best results.

    Some big-name creators, like Kwebbelkop, are already jumping on this; you can read about how he’s doing that here.

    The Future of Video Production with AI

    As video format continues to outperform on social platforms, creators will need tools like Argil’s deepfake maker to reduce production costs, and agencies will find more ways to leverage this opportunity to create profitable offers.

    But this raises questions: How will traditional video production companies adapt, and will AI-generated content eventually dominate all platforms?

    We know that while AI tools like Argil are powerful they still need human creativity and oversight to really deliver value to audiences.

    Our goal and the future of video production lies in effectively leveraging these AI capabilities to allow for creativity at scale finally.

    If you want to build an agency by capitalizing on our technology, skip the waitlist here:


    Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.