Published on
October 14, 2024

4 use cases on with your AI clone

Discover 4 ways's AI clone technology is transforming content creation, from TikTok videos to Fortune 500 internal communications.

Othmane Khadri


  • simplifies video creation with AI clone.
  • AI clone generates scalable videos in minutes.
  • Regional news uses AI clone for multilingual broadcasts.
  • TikTok creators leverage AI clone for viral content.
  • AI clones improve video production for YouTube tech reviews.
  • Fortune 500 CEOs use AI clones for internal communication.

4 use cases on with your AI clone

If you’re not building and monetising an audience through video content with a personal AI clone in 2024, you’re missing the biggest opportunity there is as a creator.

The issue however has always been producing video content at scale, because most of us can’t afford:

  • to outsource any production
  • to spend multiple hours editing video
  • to buy expensive gear e.g cameras, microphones, software

As creators ourselves, we understand this deeply and had the same problem.

That’s why at, we've developed an AI deepfake generator that's democratizing video content creation with AI clones.

It takes 2 minutes to create an AI clone of yourself in our app, and you can create unlimited videos of any size.

Just type up a script and turn it into high quality video with your AI clone.

No need for expensive equipment or any expertise - just your ideas, and our platform.

In this article, I’ll present 4 different use cases on with your AI clone.

Use Case 1: Regional News Channel for Their Anchor

The biggest pain points for regional news channels are the high production costs and limited reach.

But regional news channels can use AI clones for live news delivery without any anchors having to be physically present.

The other added benefits of deploying an AI clone for regional news delivery are:

  • the option for multilingual broadcasts for diverse communities
  • far lower production costs (studio, anchor, production crew)
  • can cover quick updates and breaking news with 24/7 availability of AI clone

The use of AI can also help to personalise the viewing experience for different audiences to increase engagement and retention.

This would then generate a bigger ROI from boosted ad revenue.

Use Case 2: TikTok Creator Consistently Hitting 100k+ Views with AI Avatar

The most engaging form of content today is short form video and Tik Tok is the biggest platform for that.

The main issue creators face is keeping up with the consistency needed to achieve any reach and growth (read this to understand Tik Tok’s algorithm).

Using an AI clone of yourself for fully scalable video shorts are a game changer for automating the production process and quickly producing viral worthy content.

For a guide on how to do Tik Tok automation with Argil, read this article.

The biggest advantage is of course the faster turnaround time, which lets you:

  1. create a month’s worth of content in one day
  2. capitalise on trends quickly and effectively for maximum reach
  3. A/B test performance of videos at scale to find what your audience resonates with most

By using Argil and AI clone, creators can maintain consistency and scale their audience while focusing on the creative direction and strategy.

We wrote a guide on how to go viral on Tik Tok with Argil here: read this.

Use Case 3: Tech Personality for His YouTube Channel

(The creator in the image above is an AI clone)

Tech channels on YouTube are expected to have good production quality because of its niche and audience.

The issue with this is that not all of us can afford the components of high production quality:

  1. excellent camera
  2. high quality microphones
  3. professional grade video editing

Argil’s AI clones can be used to address the needs of this niche by producing high quality video without the need for any equipment or know-how.

This allows you to focus on the tech being reviewed and not worry about producing the actual video.

It’s also a fitting niche to be in to leverage cutting edge AI technology.

If you want an in depth guide, you can read our article on authentic YouTube automation with Argil AI clone.

Use Case 4: CEO of a Fortune 500 Company for Internal Communications

Fortune 500 companies are of a scale where it’s not possible for the CEO to be physically present at every location.

AI clones can allow these CEOs to deliver important messages or briefs to employees and boards in a personalised way that’s scalable - without flying to global offices and thereby reducing travel time and costs.

From team updates, company wide news, to corporate strategies, more personalised and frequent communication from leadership can foster a stronger relationship between a company and its employees to improve overall culture and work ethic.

The added bonus of using Argil to create different versions of the same message mean communication can be tailored for various departments, offices in different countries, or any specific audience.

Conclusion: The Power of AI Clones in Modern Content Creation

AI clones might seem novel right now, but the upside of streamlining production with AI tools is something that will soon become the norm.

At Argil, we made out platform to make this scalability with video accessible for everyone, regardless of your industry or use case.

Whether it’s regional news, automated channels, or internal business communications.

Try Argil for free and play around with your AI clone.


Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.