Published on
September 23, 2024

Argil: Clone customizer for video content creators

Argil offers a customizable AI clone, revolutionizing video content creation for creators who value personal branding and scalability.

Othmane Khadri


  • Video's popularity makes scaling content essential.
  • Generic avatars lack personalization and individuality.
  • Argil’s Clone Customizer captures creator's unique traits.
  • AI clone is trained with a 2-minute video recording.
  • Features: multilingual videos, A/B testing, no camera needed.
  • Argil Clone Customizer accelerates scalable video content creation.

Argil: Clone customizer for video content creators

Video is the format of choice across the internet. There’s no better proof than looking at every social media platform introducing video ‘shorts’ as a feature (Instagram Reels, snapchat spotlight, LinkedIn shorts etc)

It’s because video provides the most engagement, and we all know as creators we need to eventually scale our video content operations for real growth.

Even if we know this, it’s still hard to produce video content at scale given the obstacles we need to sidestep:

  • scripting your videos
  • multiple takes recording yourself
  • learning how to edit or use third party software
  • Can’t afford to delegate or hire freelancers

The need for time and resources make it hard for creators and brands to establish scalable content systems, let alone balance that scalability with any personalisation to maintain a connection with the audience.

So when creators started looking for a solution, they came across digital avatars. The only issue is that before the rise of AI these avatars were generic and didn’t allow for any customisation.

In this article, we’ll be going over the limitations with generic digital avatars, and why content creators need something more personalised like Argil’s customisable AI avatar of yourself.

The Early Solution: Generic Digital Avatars and Their Limitations

Early on, AI driven avatars seemed very attractive alternative to actual video production for it’s scalability.

This made certain avatar based platforms like HeyGen popular by allowing creators to use pre-designed, generic avatars to feature in their content but were limited in functionality and personalisation.

For a comparison with digital avatar platforms like HeyGen, read our previous article here comparing 3 more alternatives for content creators.

For content creators we want our videos to form a connection with the audience. So the key issue was a lack of individuality - you couldn’t ‘customise’ these avatars to match any unique look, style, or persona.

In other words, generic avatars failed to allow any personal branding - a huge drawback.

Why Content Creators Need More than Just an Avatar

Every content creator who wants to stand out or have a loyal audience needs a personal brand, it goes without saying.

But the pre-requisites are authenticity and personality which requires the right tools in order to capture a creator’s unique voice, style, and appearance.

The answer then is simple, but not easy:

An automated way to scale video production without sacrificing personal touch or engaging with your audience.

Content creators (ourselves included) need the next evolution of digital avatars to achieve this.

Introducing Argil: The Ultimate Clone Customizer for Content Creators

We know most creators are hesitant to adopt any tools that fail to capture their individuality.

That’s why we built Argil to achieve scalability with content whilst fully capturing personality and authenticity.

Our proprietary technology lets creators make a twin or ‘AI clone’ of themselves by training it with your body language, voice intonations, and unique mannerisms.

Don’t worry about effort, all it takes is you upload a 2 min recording of yourself and that’s enough to train the AI model.

(Yes, AI continues to blow our minds too).

The ability to make an ‘AI twin’ of yourself with real-life likeness and accuracy is the next evolution from simple avatars and something no other platform has achieved to this level, or for creators specifically.

You can see how Kwebbelkop is using Argil for this now to scale his second channel here.

Key Features of Argil that Set It Apart from Traditional Avatar Solutions

It’s an exciting proposition for the future of video production, so let’s look at the key features we included in Argil that can really take creators to the next level:

Personalised Cloning

When you train your AI clone with a 2 minute recording, it’s not just mimicking your movements, it also captures your personality and voice which truly makes it your clone or twin - not just an avatar.

To understand the specifics more, read our previous article about capturing personality here.

No Camera Needed

Once the AI clone is trained you can generate videos with just a script which you can write yourself or have our AI writing assistant do for you.

Pre-edited Video Shorts

You can easily adjust and edit the outputs by adjusting your script or by selecting different edits to put in with our editing suite. You won’t need any editing know-how, you can just click on various transitions, B-rolls, and camera angles to insert where you like.

You can read about how to use Argil for an automated Tik Tok channel or Instagram Reels channel in our previous articles.

Multilingual Video

You can produce these videos in multiple languages if you wanted to expand your reach to global audiences without any extra need for translation or re-filming in another language. This is especially useful for creators looking to tap into audiences in more countries.

A/B Testing Videos

The real value here is that with the speed at which you can produce videos, you can run high volumes of A/B tests to quickly understand what makes your videos perform the best for your audience. This means you can optimise your videos for engagement and reach faster which equals faster growth.

The Future of Video Creation with Argil’s Clone Customizer

The volume of content being published is only increasing, and making it harder and harder to stand out or compete.

Soon, the only way to compete will be by leveraging technology like Argil where creators will evolve from using simple tools to becoming directors of their own AI powered content production workflows.

For content at scale it’s not a question of if, but when.

The best way to get ahead is to start is now - which is why we made it free to try.

Sign up here to start making personalised content at scale.


Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.