Published on
September 23, 2024

Argil’s Academy: The community to help content creators scale their video production

Argil Academy helps content creators overcome production challenges with proven systems, frameworks, and real-time resources for scaling video content.

Othmane Khadri


  • Argil Academy for content creators’ growth
  • Scale video production with free systems
  • Consistency, scalability lead to audience growth
  • Actionable guides and resources for content creators
  • Join Argil Academy to access free tools
  • Learn video production efficiency with Argil Academy

Argil’s Academy: The community to help content creators scale their video production

Being a content creator can be the best job in the world, but the best things never come easy.

Most of us trying to become content creators struggle with three main blockers:

  • Inconsistent uploading
  • Slow audience growth
  • Difficulty monetising

The interesting thing is, they’re all actually a result of inefficient production i.e how easily you produce your videos.

If you imagine each video only takes you 5 minutes to shoot, edit, and publish then consistency wouldn’t be much of an issue anymore right?

And you could upload more in a day than you could in a month…

Efficiency = volume & consistency = growth

So without the right systems in place it can feel like you’re investing endless hours and have very little results to show for it.

But where do we start? How do we be more “efficient”?

As content creators ourselves with over a decade in this space, we understand this situation deeply - we’ve been there.

This is why we’ve just launched Argil Academy - our free community to help content creators with this exact problem.

What is Argil academy

Argil academy is our free community for content creators to learn and share how to build your audience, scale video production, and ultimately start monetising your content.

We’ve learned a lot of the best practices and growth levers from growing multiple Tik Tok accounts, YouTube channels, and even making our own films and TV series.

It took us over 10 years to know what we do, but knowledge should be shared.

That’s why our Argil Academy is free and open to all content creators regardless of your experience level or follower count.

The way we see it, the more of us there are in this community, the more knowledge, systems, and support there is to go around.

You can join Argil Academy here.

How Argil Academy Helps Content Creators Scale Video Production

We all know we need two things for our content to really take off:

  1. Consistency
  2. Scalability

Unfortunately you can’t have one without the other. Most creators with bigger audiences end up hiring and outsourcing their production to allow for both consistency and scale.

But we can’t all afford to start hiring editors and producers.

We need actionable guides, how to’s, systems, and frameworks that we can share with each other as creators without a big budget.

Inside our community you would get immediate access to:

  • Systems and frameworks for consistent content, growing your audience, and generating ideas
  • Practical guides on how to scale video production with automation tools
  • Constantly updated resources on best practices such as SEO, content strategy, and algorithm changes.
  • Different ways to monetise your content (including a wide range of use cases)

Because we know what it feels like to suffer from burnout trying to maintain any consistent upload schedule.

Because we know the difficulty in building an audience and standing out in a saturated market.

And because we know how complex it is to turn a passion or interest into a monetised and profitable endeavour.

You can learn everything we know for free by joining here.

Exclusive Benefits of Joining Argil Academy

The Argil academy goes beyond just teaching, we also provide access to constantly updated resources and frameworks to adopt or apply at any time.

Systems and Frameworks

Inside our community you can learn proven systems and frameworks that are constantly being fine tuned based on the current content landscape.

These are made to specifically help you grow your audience and produce content more efficiently without having to make hires which require upfront capital.

Regular Webinars and Live Sessions

At Argil Academy we put a strong emphasis on leveraging AI technology to streamline your production.

We’ll be providing practical guides and live walkthroughs on the best tools available at your disposal to create content faster and more effectively.

Don’t worry, they’re not designed to strip away at any creativity. They are simply tools that let us focus more on our storytelling and creative freedom by spending less time on the manual efforts of technical hurdles we all have.

Supportive Community

Having a thriving hub of other creators can give you opportunities to collaborate, network, and learn from each other’s experiences. It’s an ideal way of overcoming any personal blockers or find inspiration from others.

With ongoing contribution and testing you have access to real-time relevance in what you can take away and apply to your own approach for content.

Being a content creator is never smooth sailing on your own, so join our free community here to access these benefits.

Argil Academy – The Ultimate Resource for Content Creators

Our approach to this community is not just to provide a learning platform, but more to develop an ecosystem for creators that we felt we always needed. We want to prioritise accessibility so we made it free, as knowledge should be, join us.


Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.