Published on
July 6, 2024

Argil’s LinkedIn video downloader for content creators

Argil’s LinkedIn video downloader: a must-have tool for content creators to effortlessly download, repurpose, and amplify video content on LinkedIn.

Othmane Khadri


  • LinkedIn videos have 5x higher engagement rates.
  • Argil’s tool repurposes LinkedIn videos easily.
  • Create AI avatar videos from LinkedIn content.
  • Streamlined video download and editing process.
  • Boost brand reach on LinkedIn with Argil.
  • Argil’s tool is essential for content creators.
  • Argil’s LinkedIn Video Downloader: The Ultimate Tool for Content Creators

    As a modern content creator you’ll know that opportunities for organic reach is an imperative must try.

    Platforms such as YouTube and Tik Tok have had tremendous success sharing short form videos and many of its creators have amassed huge followings for its natural engagement and attention retention when produced well.

    The opportunity with LinkedIn’s new scrollable short form feature is one no creator can willingly ignore given the pattern of success across every other platform - Tik Tok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, Snapchat Spotlight… the list goes on.

    It’s already growing in popularity amongst fast movers, providing a gateway to tap into LinkedIn’s massive +900 million user base in an authentic, engaging way.

    It offers a big differentiator (as scroll stoppers) to most of the content currently on the platform that takes the form of graphics and text only posts.

    But simply uploading the same old videos won't cut it - you need repurpose content tailored natively for the LinkedIn platform and its audience.

    That's where Argil's game-changing LinkedIn video downloader comes in. With this new feature, you can repurpose top performing LinkedIn content into brand-new AI-generated videos of your AI avatar speaking directly to the LinkedIn audience.

    Have your cake and eat it too - all the engagement benefits of short-form video and an untapped market of 900 million users combined with the high-production value of a personalised, "you're-speaking-to-me" experience through your AI avatar.

    Try repurposing LinkedIn videos with your AI avatar by joining us here:

    The Rise of LinkedIn Video Content

    Video has become the language of choice for audiences across social media, and LinkedIn is no exception. In fact, video posts on the platform are a staggering 20 times more likely to be shared compared to other content types.

    This trend is only amplified by the recent move from LinkedIn themselves to integrate Shorts, the platform's foray into short, impactful video sharing.

    The engagement rates for video on LinkedIn are staggering – a whopping 5 times higher than traditional text-based posts. Videos on the platform drive more comments, shares, and overall visibility, making them a powerful tool for creators seeking to expand their reach and develop meaningful connections.

    But the benefits of LinkedIn video extend far beyond mere engagement metrics. For content creators, this visual medium presents lucrative commercial opportunities from the biggest B2B platform, from securing brand partnerships to driving more effective lead generation strategies.

    Perhaps most crucially, LinkedIn video content offers creators a unique advantage: the ability to repurpose high performing content as your own… at scale.

    Introducing Argil's LinkedIn Video Downloader

    Imagine clicking repost on any high performing LinkedIn post but each time you do it recreates the post with a video of you. By seamlessly downloading videos directly from LinkedIn with Argil’s LinkedIn video downloader, you take the video’s script, messaging and narrative that can be remixed, repurposed, and tailored to fit your specific needs.

    This would then be distributed by your own AI avatar to retain the authenticity and your audience’s connection to you.

    At its core, Argil's LinkedIn video downloader is a testament to the platform's commitment to streamlining and enhancing the content creation process. With an intuitive, user-friendly interface, the tool ensures that you can quickly and efficiently access the video content you need, without sacrificing quality or resolution.

    To start downloading LinkedIn videos now join us here:

    The Benefits for Content Creators

    Using Argil's LinkedIn video downloader, content creators can open a world of possibilities:

    1) Enhanced Content Creation: With access to a wealth of additional video material, you can create richer, more diverse content tailored to different platforms and audiences.

    2) Time Efficiency: By repurposing and building upon existing video content, you can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on creating new material from scratch.

    3) Consistent Branding: Maintaining a cohesive brand voice and aesthetic across all your video content is crucial, and Argil's tools help you achieve that seamlessly.

    4) Cost-Effectiveness: Reusing and repurposing proven content means you can produce high-quality videos fine tuned for performance without expensive production processes.

    5) Increased Engagement: By leveraging the power of LinkedIn's professional network, you can attract more engagement and visibility for your repurposed video content across other platforms.

    How to Use Argil's LinkedIn Video Downloader

    Here’s a simple step by step guide:

    • Log into Argil and access the LinkedIn video downloader.
    • Paste the LinkedIn video URL into the downloader.
    • Select desired video quality and format.
    • Click the download button.

    Once your video is downloaded, you can seamlessly transition it into Argil's editing suite, complete with features like AI-generated captions, dynamic transitions, and even AI-assisted B-roll insertion.

    To ensure optimal performance, Argil recommends selecting the highest video quality available and maintaining a stable internet connection during the download process. If you encounter any issues, such as slow download speeds, clearing your browser cache or trying a different browser may resolve the problem.

    And as always, Argil's dedicated support team is just a click away, ready to assist with any technical difficulties.

    The Future of Content at Scale

    In today's fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the curve is essential for content creators. By leveraging Argil's LinkedIn video downloader and its suite of tools, you can tap into a huge platform opportunity for content creation at scale, amplify your brand's reach, and captivate a bigger audience.

    The world of content rewards fast movers and rapid testing. If you’re a forward thinking creator and want to take this unsaturated opportunity, join us here:


    Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.