Published on
September 22, 2024

How to become a content creator in 2024

Discover how to become a successful content creator in 2024. Explore key strategies on niche selection, audience building, and monetizing your content.

Othmane Khadri


  • How to become a content creator in 2024
  • Choose your niche based on interests
  • Align monetization with audience preferences
  • Tailor content for each platform’s style
  • Build systems to streamline content creation
  • Join Argil Academy to improve content creators' skills

How to become a content creator in 2024

Kids used to dream of being astronauts and firefighters… now, everyone wants to be a content creator.

And why not? Being a content creator can be an incredibly lucrative job with a lot of creative freedom.

The opportunities are only growing - the majority of people’s online attention goes into social media and content in general, and where attention goes, money flows.

We understand because we’ve been content creators for over a decade:

  • Growing Tik Tok accounts and YouTube channels
  • Filming and distributing masterclasses
  • Even making our own films and TV series

We know a thing or two about being a content creator and so we made a free community to share what we know: Argil Academy.

It’s a go-to resource for content creators to learn how to build an audience, monetise their content, and streamline their video production.

You can find everything you’ll ever need as an aspiring creator in Argil Academy, but for now, in this article we’ll look at the 5 key steps to becoming a monetised content creator in 2024.

Step 1: Choosing a Niche

The first step is choosing your niche which comes down to asking yourself:

What are your personal interests? What specific knowledge can you share? Where are your natural curiosities?

It’s important to be honest with your niche because that’s what leads into authentic and engaging content. By leaning into your natural interests it helps to share your unique perspective which is ultimately what gets you to stand out on any platform.

Don’t worry about ‘getting it right’ by the way, it’s normal to have many interests or niches you can go into so feel free to test different ones with some content to gauge audience interest and engagement. You can use this feedback to fine tune your niche focus.

A personal brand is what future proofs you as a creator. Have a look inside Argil Academy by signing up to see how you can align your interests and niche with personal branding.

Step 2: Choosing a Monetization Strategy

Content creation has evolved a lot since the early days of full time YouTubers making a living off their videos, and with that so has our options for monetisation.

You’ll be aware of the different options e.g sponsored content, affiliate marketing, digital products, creating your own brands etc

But the important thing is for your monetisation options to have alignment with your audience’s preferences, your niche, and your content type. If there’s a mismatch it won’t work.

For example, if your content is centred around reviewing tech then maybe affiliate marketing towards the products your reviewing make a lot of sense.

And if you’re a film maker then selling courses on how to create video like you would be valuable to your audience more so than affiliate marketing.

On the other hand, if you’re a solopreneur building in public, then maybe the exposure to your brand or software products drives monthly subscriptions to them.

However, it’s important to know that you are not limited in any way. You can mix and match any monetisation methods you think will work best for your audience and your content type.

Make sure you take a look in Argil Academy to see how you can create scalable income streams that are aligned with your specific content approach.

Step 3: Identifying and Understanding Your Audience

This step is nice and simple because all it involves is posting content and keeping an eye on the in-built analytics of each platform.

This should give you a good idea of the following: audience personas, demographics, pains, and preferred content formats. Use these insights to tailor your content for specific needs such as optimising for engagement or watch time.

The more you post, the better the analytics. So keep posting!

Step 4: Distribution and Platforms

It goes without saying that posting on more platforms will inevitably increase your exposure and allow you to reach more people. Repurposing existing content can be a good way to leverage this.

However, each platform has its own native ‘language’ or format for its content to resonate with people on the platform.

For example, Tik Tok videos have a slightly different style to the short videos you see elsewhere because of its native features. You might not use these features but the style they create is what’s most expected by the viewers on that platform.

It’s for this reason it’s important to tailor and optimise your content for each platform. For a better deep dive into platform selection, content optimisation, and developing an effective distribution strategy, join Argil Academy for free here.

Step 5: Creating Systems and Frameworks

Creating and posting content consistently will feel like all hands on deck 24/7.

No one can say it’s a walk in the park to maintain posting regularly or sticking to a content calendar without any systems and frameworks in place.

They help us establish standardised processes for ideation, production, editing, and distribution to streamline and save us as much time as possible.

Popular methods include things like leveraging automation tools and batch creating content to then schedule the release at certain times.

If you want to read more about what’s possible with automation tools, read our previous article here on how to start an automated Tik Tok channel.

The importance is in constantly learning and adapting the techniques we use to improve the quality of our content and maintain consistency.

Look in Argil Academy at the systems and frameworks we use as creators with over a decade of experience, and also see what other creators are using in our free community to produce content efficiently and effectively.

Conclusion: The Path to Becoming a Successful Content Creator in 2024

There’s never been a better time to become a content creator.

The audience is there and constantly growing, and all the resources and tools are laid out for us to take advantage.

The key takeaway is the need to constantly adapt to the content landscape whether it be trends, industry insights, best practices etc. That’s where free communities like Argil Academy become handy to allow creators to help each other stay at the forefront.

By following the 5 steps we’ve outlined here and making the most of our free community, you’re well positioned to grow an audience for yourself. Join for free here.


Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.