Published on
July 22, 2024

How to use Argil’s AI Reel Generator to build and monetize your audience

Discover the power of Argil’s AI reel generator to produce and monetize your short-form videos. Our guide walks you through niche selection to launching your offer.

Othmane Khadri


  • Short-form videos dominate social platforms.
  • AI reel generators are growing in adoption.
  • Argil’s tool creates personalized content at scale.
  • Follow a 5-step process to monetize your audience.
  • Engage with your audience for continuous improvement.
  • Use insights to launch tailored offers.
  • How to use Argil’s AI Reel Generator to build and monetize your audience

    Short-form videos are conclusively the content format of choice on social platforms. Not everyone likes it but short form will continue dominating our feeds.

    This also means AI reel generators will only grow in adoption from creators and everyday people. This is certainly what we strive towards at Argil: to democratize creating video content.

    We subscribe to this mission because not everyone can consistently create personalised, engaging short-form content, let alone at scale. As creators ourselves for 10 years, we know this pain deeply.

    That’s why we’ve built our reel generator. Our technology allows creators to produce highly personalized content at scale tailored to their personal brand and audience.

    From our perspective, the below is an effective 5-step process for building and monetising your audience with automated reels using Argil’s reel generator.

    Step 1: Choose a niche

    The need to pick a niche, given the saturation of content, is understated, but the framework for doing this as an infopreneur is relatively simple.

    Firstly, identify your passions and interests. This makes it easy to discuss, and you can leverage the knowledge you already have about the topics.

    Next, do your research. Identify your competitors and use tools like Google Trends and social media analytics to gauge their interest areas, target audience, and hot topics.

    Then, find gaps in existing content where you can add value with your perspective and consider how you can monetize that, e.g., affiliate programs, sponsored content, or product sales.

    Finally, validate your niche by engaging with people on social media and refine your understanding based on feedback. Make sure your passions and interests align with real market demand.

    Step 2: Training Different Avatars with Argil

    So, how do we get started? We’ll need to train our avatar with Argil.

    This process couldn’t be more straightforward - upload a 2-minute video of yourself talking naturally and watch Argil turn it into an avatar for you.

    But using Argil, we are not limited to just one avatar…

    You can create dozens for rapid testing, each with varied appearances and languages for broader reach.

    Step 3: Creating and A/B Testing Videos

    Our technology will centralize all the effort into 1 application to produce, edit, and analyze your reels. It will feel like a simple task like any other that can be delegated.

    This is great for testing because we can now simply generate scripts with our AI writing assistant, produce unlimited reels to share online, and A/B test what works in our chosen niche.

    You could test different hooks, calls to action, and the length of your reels.

    Regularly check in with your analytics to see what’s working and what’s not, and then iterate accordingly.

    Step 4: Interacting with Your Audience

    Staring at your analytics will only get you so much insight. It’s equally as important to engage with your audience to understand their needs and challenges.

    This should be natural to most of us who are familiar with using social media platforms. It's the most simple, raw way of gathering feedback.

    This means talking to your audience in your comments section, DMs, or any communities and email lists with those who opted in to get qualitative data.

    Leveraging Argil properly would allow you to feed these insights back into your content machine to regularly update your content based on real audience interactions for continuous improvement.

    Step 5: Launching Your Offer

    Launching an offer will depend on gathered insights and audience needs. Thankfully, we are using Argil’s reel generator to accelerate that whole process in the first 4 steps above.

    So you have your audience, you’ve built trust, and now it’s time to monetize.

    Use your understanding of the audience to design your offer to really address the pain points and create reels from scripts around pre-launch hype.

    You can even use Argil to do video prospecting for your offer, you can read about how to do that here.

    You can also consider including exclusive offers to early adopters to incentivize purchases.

    But remember, your first offer doesn’t need to be perfect - it’s a starting point where we can refine with feedback and later bundle up with more value.


    The creator economy is evolving faster than we can notice at the surface level. Reels are rapidly becoming the way we communicate through content online.

    Argil’s AI reel generator was created to ease the video production process. Soon, no one will be limited by their budget or knowledge of video production.

    Democratizing content creation is a game-changing evolution, and it means one thing: anyone can build and monetize an audience.

    If you want to be one of the first to use them, you can skip our waitlist: here


    Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.