Published on
September 20, 2024

kwebbelkop AI: The YouTuber who cloned himself

Kwebbelkop leverages Argil's AI deepfake technology for content creation, achieving unprecedented growth. Explore the future of AI-driven video production.

Othmane Khadri


  • Kwebbelkop's move to AI content divides opinions.
  • Uses Argil for AI deepfake video creation.
  • Grew second AI channel to 1M+ subscribers.
  • Deepfake tech boosts volume, algorithm pushes.
  • Argil makes deepfake tech accessible for creators.
  • Kwebbelkop AI sets trend for future content.
  • Kwebbelkop is a massive YouTuber who has somewhat divided the YouTube community with his all-in move into AI-generated deepfake content.

    He initially rose in popularity from Call of Duty videos and formed a YouTube group alongside other creators such as Jelly and Slogo. This led to his main channel growing to roughly 15 million subscribers.

    He has recently come into more notoriety by growing a second account entirely using AI-generated deepfake videos to well over a million subscribers and divided the YouTube community in the process.

    In previous articles here and here we’ve gone over how he has created an automated youtube channel using deepfake videos, but in this article we will go over how he has pioneered a revolution with his 24/7 deepfake content and use of AI.

    If you'd like to learn more about the new AI UGC generator we've created learn morn about it here.

    A revolution in Content Creation: Deepfake Technology

    Adoption of new cutting-edge technology always takes time, usually because we don’t understand the tech, so we are more hesitant to accept it.

    So let’s answer the question: what is deepfake technology?

    Deepfake technology uses AI to generate entirely new audio and video from previous content. The technology has been around for a while but has never been accessible to the everyday creator online.

    Kwebbelkop leveraged this to create an AI clone of himself to remove his biggest bottleneck in content creation. In doing so he has become a pioneer by documenting his approach on Twitter/X. As we know from the previous articles, he faced early criticism for his move, but the numbers don’t lie - over a million subscribers put him in the top 0.028% of YouTube channels.

    Some are excited by the possibilities this represents, while others are worried it might replace them as creators. At Argil, we aim to empower the next generation of content creators to become even more efficient and qualitative with their content, because AI is not here to replace creators, it’s here to amplify them by removing the biggest bottleneck: production.

    Our deepfake maker is designed specifically for content creators to offload the burden of video production by making our deepfake technology far more affordable and accessible than traditional studio-restricted deepfake technology.

    His success with his AI clone channel is more impressive when you consider how saturated the market is. It provides food for thought that maybe volume that can only be achieved through AI-generated content is the way to cut through the noise. After all, volume is key to being pushed by algorithms, and the only way to achieve volume is to use the right tools to ease video production.

    Every creator understands the intense workload necessary from end-to-end content production to an always-in-demand audience. Deepfake generators like ours at Argil will take that workload off creators so they can focus on the most important: the creation, not the production.

    Eventually, we’ll see more AI used in the content creation process than without, and at some point shortly, deepfakes will be more prevalent than manual video creation. AI clones and deepfake influencers are the first steps to actualizing this statement.

    AI Clones: A New Form of Technology Adoption

    The 100% use of AI to create videos and grow an audience is not an entirely new concept. In fact, we have countless automated accounts on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram with large followings.

    The controversy and divided opinion surrounding Kwebbelkop comes from his notoriety. But he understands that content is a constantly evolving game, and fast movers usually take bigger market shares.

    Content will become better with AI. It’s early days, but let’s look at history’s patterns. Every new cutting-edge technology has brought with it divided opinion and its fair share of risk in its early stages. Yet eventually, it is accepted and used by the majority in any industry.

    This adoption curve played out the same way for emails transitioning to text messages, from physical stores to online shopping, and even dating has transitioned to online apps like Hinge. Imagine living without any of those - that will be the same feeling for AI in content creation, the unlimited production potential for scalability is already a no brainer.

    This won’t be any different in the content industry with the use of AI clones, and Kwebbelkop has taken the jump with this understanding. Leveraging AI will mean his potential reach and video production is now no longer limited by his time, but by his creativity to use AI effectively.

    With advancements at the rate AI is developing, technology is only getting better. V1 of the World Wide Web pales in comparison to today’s internet that most of us can’t live without. This technology finally allows creators to focus on creative direction more than the time-consuming production aspects of creating content.

    Would you prefer to spend hours or even days filming and shooting your footage manually to then edit the video by hand on top of getting the gear and learning how to edit…?

    Or would you rather feed a script to your AI clone and have the same output (if not better) in mere minutes? That’s where the technology is taking us.

    It’s only a matter of time before it’s normalized for every creator.

    Exploring AI powered youtube channels

    Often, with new tech trends, rapid adoption comes after a few early adopters see big success within a specific niche, which gives rise to more popularity.

    You might not be the next Kwebbelkop, but you can emulate his success by dominating a niche of your own with our deepfake maker and be the first mover in that space. Here are 3 channels you could make to dominate the niche with volume and content at scale:

    • News and reporting channelYou can use any up-to-date news and have our AI writing assistant write a script for each video in real time to provide the quickest videos on news updates at scale.
    • Educational channelcreate unlimited educational content at scale without exhausting yourself. Your only limit is now what you know, not your time.
    • React channelYou can clone yourself, create endless reaction videos as your AI avatar, and hop on as many trends as you wish.

    To start an automated channel and create your content at scale with Argil, sign up here.

    Let me tell you why this method works for Kwebbelkop and why it will work for you.

    If you’ve ever created content you’ll know the pains of:

    1. scripting a video
    2. gathering the gear to film and record
    3. multiple takes to get the right shot
    4. re-filming if you forgot or need a do-over
    5. editing for hours, maybe days using third party software you have to learn

    All before you can hit ‘publish’. It’s expensive, time consuming and above all a real pain.

    So what if you could entertain your audience but with 100% AI generated content of you with your clone? The output is only going to get better with time as AI advances, eventually they will be indistinguishable and using them will be the norm.

    Might as well start now and get ahead.

    Why Argil is the Go-To Solution for Creators

    If volume and content at scale is the lock then the right tools are the keys. In today’s content landscape there’s so much saturation it is essential to streamline your process to get as much content published as possible in order to be seen.

    That’s why it was natural for us to build Argil specifically for content creators. We are also content creators and have been for over a decade. We’ve created and built audiences on YouTube channels and TikTok accounts and even made movies and series.

    This uniquely positions us to deeply understand the real struggles of content production that we need to eliminate with Argil and the best practices we need to bake in as features.

    What are the key features Argil offers?

    1. AI B-rolls
    2. AI scripting assistant
    3. automated editing and captions
    4. multiple languages
    5. A/B testing content

    By leveraging Argil and its features, you can target wider audiences with no language barriers, iterate faster towards what your audience really wants, and achieve the scalability that comes with automated content and the time and cost savings.

    If you want to try it yourself and skip our waitlist, join us.

    With Argil’s deepfake maker, here’s the process you could follow to make your clone and start creating content at scale:

    1. Train a video of you to get your AI avatar model (voice, body language, face)
    2. Script your videos yourself and use our AI assistant to create a draft for you
    3. Choose transitions, B-rolls, and captions if you want
    4. Generate your video
    5. Edit the script to modify it

    You can now do what Kwebbelkop is doing, simple as that.

    We are confident that the continued advancements in deepfake technology will only strengthen the positioning of AI’s place in content creation and, thus, Argil become a major player in the industry.

    In fact, with the direction we are going in, video creation and production will become one comprehensive software solution simultaneously. This will be a game changer and democratise content creation for all creators whether you have 15 million subscribers or 15 - where the quality differentiation will come from the creativity, and not the production.

    The Future of Content Creation with AI

    Whether you like it or not, Kwebbelkop has started a revolution and brought attention to himself as an early adopter. It’s now only a matter of time for every other creator to slowly adopt AI more and more into their content production to achieve real scale and volume.

    If history has shown us any other patterns, it’s that we always choose the path of least resistance. Producing content at scale will be no different.

    If you’re a content creator and need content at scale, join the revolution here.


    Argil is paving the way to a new world where everyone will leverage the most engaging format, video, effortlessly.